citizenship & english classes
we welcome you!
ESL LITERACY CLASS: You are invited to join our International Bible Class on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm, during the Gwinnett County school year. This ESL class helps adults of all levels improve their English skills through interactive activities. Adults from all nations practice speaking English while making new friends. The class includes studying the Bible along with skits and games to make learning enjoyable and meaningful.
ESL LIFE GROUPS: This is a great opportunity to connect with adults from all nations practice speaking English while making new friends and studying the Bible on Sunday mornings. These Life Groups meet in Rooms C305 and B300 on Sunday mornings from 10:10 am until 11:10 am.
CITIZENSHIP CLASSES: If you are ready to prepare for your US Citizenship exam, contact us to register for classes with Pam Gibson. You will learn all the history, government, geography, and interview skills you need to be successful on your USCIS Naturalization Exam.
ONLINE ENGLISH CLASSES: We meet during the Gwinnett County School year via GoTo, Zoom, or WhatsApp. Limited openings are available.
CONTACT: For more information or to register, contact Katherine Adams at 678-779-5299.